Guide to Love INC of Greater Hammond's Ebay Page
How do I donate to Love INC of Greater Hammond using my eBay/Paypal account?
First, you want to follow this link to the charity section of eBay. This link takes you directly to the page for Love INC of Greater Hammond. You can also find this link under PayPal Giving Works on Love INC’s web page (
Here is the link:
There is not a direct link to the charities section in the regular part of eBay where you shop for goods so it is best just to use the link on the Love INC of Greater Hammond website.
When you click on the link, you will see the page below appear:
1. You will have to log into your eBay account that you use for shopping. If your computer logged in for you automatically, it will “Hi” and your name instead of “Sign in”.
2. Make sure you see the name of the correct charity — in this case “Love INC of Greater Hammond, Griffith, IN”
3. Under the title “Make a Donation”, you can choose an amount to donate and then click “Donate Now”. You can use “other” to write in a specific amount. The donation will come out of your PayPal account. You will receive a receipt from the Giving Works.
4. If you sell goods on eBay, you can choose to list an item here and specify a percentage of the sale to go to Love INC of Greater Hammond.
Below is a PDF version of this page which you can download and print.